International Conference (CNRTSPA – 2019)

William Research Centre Second International Conference


“Conservation on natural resources and traditional siddha pharmacological approach for your future”


CNRTSPA – 2019

11-13 DECEMBER, 2019

Ayush Siddha Workshop

About WRC

The research centre was established in 2002 with the unique realization to promote the advancement, transfer and sharing of scientific knowledge, science education, raise public awareness of sustainable development issues by launching co-operative activities. Our vision and mission is to conserve our nature and to disseminate the scientific techniques for prosperity among the rural, tribal and scientific community.

For More Information:

The Event

The William Research Centre is organizing “International Conference 2019” to provide a platform for Taxonomists, Pharmacologists, Traditional Practitioners, Microbiologists, Biotechnologists, Statisticians, Economists, Chemists, Bioinformaticians, Policy makers and Private sectors to interact and exchange the latest ideas and techniques in the field of Biology and Nature for exploration of largely untapped natural resources.


Orchid Biology/Cancer and Phytotherapy/Pharmacology and Drug Design/ Ethnopharmacology and Ethnomedicines/ Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy/ Intervention of Science and Economics in conservation of nature/Natural Products Research/Drug Delivery/Tissue Engineering/Medicinal Chemistry/Clinical and Applied Pharmacology/Nanotechnology/Marine Biology/Biofilms/Economic Biology

Important dates & venue

Registration and Abstract Submission: 20th November 2019
Submission of Full Length Article: 30th November 2019
Accommodation Details: 25th November 2019

Venue: Kanyakumari

REgistration Fees

Participants are requested to send the registration fee as mentioned below, along with the completed registration form to confirm their participation. Kindly fill in the registration form with all the details and return the application form to the corresponding Email address. [email protected]/[email protected]

N.B: Conference Kit, Tea, Lunch & Field Visit (Day – II)

Category Upto 30th October 2019 Upto 15th November 2019 Spot Registration
Delegates from Industry Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,500 Rs. 4,000
Scholars & Students Rs. 2,500 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,500
Faculties Rs. 3,000 Rs. 3,500 Rs. 4,000
Accompanying Person Rs. 2,000 Rs. 2,500 Rs. 3,000
Foreign Delegates 200$ 250$ 300$

Food / Accommodation

Delegates will be provided with food and hostel at nominal cost. Participants who are in need of hostel accommodation must inform in advance on or before November 25th 2019.

Call for papers

Abstracts on the themes of the Conference are invited for oral/poster presentations. The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words typed in MS Word with Font size 12 point in Times New Roman. Name of the presenting author should be underlined. A soft copy of the abstracts along with DD number should be sent to The Organizing Secretary on or before 30th October E-mail id- [email protected]/[email protected] for Pre-conference Proceedings.

Size of the Poster

Poster Size – 3’x4’
Standard format of research paper should be followed.

Best Paper/Poster Presentation Awards

WRC offers awards with an objective of encouraging Young Talents in the field of Nature and Science.

Age Limit

The age limit for Best Paper/Poster Presentation is < 40 years

Best Faculty Award

Professors/Principals/Scientists/R&D/PDF/NGOs/ResearchCentres/YoungScientist Siddha Practitioners/Doctors/Industries/Environmentalists No age bar – Send the updated resumes on or before 30thAugust2019 [email protected]/[email protected]

Mode of Payment

Registration charges are to be paid in cash of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Organizing Secretary, International Conference and Workshop” 2019. Cheques and Credit cards are not accepted. Online transactions can be made in the Account Holder: William Research Centre Account Number: 176101000014302 IFSC Code: IOBA0001761 Bank: Indian Overseas Bank, Branch: Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil. Hard copy of online transaction must be submitted for verification to avoid further inconvenience.

Plenary Speakers

Ann Holday
RAC Registered Ayurveda Clinician, UK

Dr. K. Elavarasan
Consultant Siddha
AYUSH Wellness Clinic
President Estate
Rashtrapati Bhawan
New Delhi

Dr. Arul Amuthan, MD (Siddha), MSc.
Professor Melaka Manipal Medical College,
Manipal University

Dr. Subash Chandran, MD Siddha
Government Siddha College

Dr. Sankar Kumar Dey, Ph.D
Assistant Professor and Head SBSS Mahavidyalaya
Vidyasagar University, West Bengal

Dr. John J. Georrge
Assistant Professor and Head
Department of Bioinformatics
Christ College

Er. Mukundan Satyanarayanan
Chief Executive Officer
Indian Health and Wellness Brand

Dr. A. Ganga Prasad
Department of Botany
University of Kerala, Kariyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram
Hon. Director, Centre for Biodiversity Conservation
Co-ordinator- IUCGGT, University of Kerala

Organizing Secretary

Dr. R. Mary Suja, Ph.D
Director William Research Centre
Nagercoil – 629 001

Organizing Committee

Dr. B. Christudhas Williams, Ph.D
President William Research Centre, Nagercoil

Dr. A.D. Shobana Raj, Ph.D
Executive Director William Research Centre, Nagercoil

Dr. E. Raja Justus Ph.D
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

Advisory Committee

Prof. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dubey
Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology
Mohanlal Sukhhadia University, Udaipur

Dr. Manoj Kumar PhD
Scientist & In –charge
GIS Centre Forest Research Institute
Dehradun, India

Dr. K.H. Chikhalia
Department of Chemistry
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

Dr. Jeyavenkadesh BSMS MD, Mphil, PhD
Chairman Kokila Siddha Hospital and Research Centre

Dr. Balaselvakumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
Periyar EVR College (Autonomous)

Dr. Archana Mankad
Professor and Head
Department of Botany
Gujarat University

Dr. K. Sheela Sobana Rani
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Sri Ramakrishna Institution of Technology

Dr. T. Leon Stephen Raj, Ph.D
Assistant Professor Department of Botany
St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai

Dr. M. Michael Babu, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
CMST MS University